Great news! Our latest resources to accompany the Science Superpowers edition of Whizz Pop Bang are now available to download.
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Year 3 and P4 Muscle investigation
Curriculum links: Animals including humans and Body system and cells.
In this hands-on lesson about muscles, pupils will discover how the bicep and tricep muscles contract and relax to move the bones in our arms. Pupils will make a simple model. In the second lesson, pupils will investigate how muscle fibre increases to make us stronger.
This pack includes:
- Two differentiated lesson plans
- A PowerPoint presentation including instructions for how to make a simple model of the arm
- Printable instructions
- A table and bar graph to record results
Simple to resource! The items you will need:
- Lollipop sticks
- Elastic bands (thick and thin)
- Bulldog clips
- Rulers

New Knowledge organiser and poster
This resource contains all the scientific vocabulary that year 3 pupils need to know for the topic animals including humans. Included is an A3 poster to be displayed in your classroom and an A4 double-sided knowledge organiser. The word mat contains the same vocabulary as the poster and on the back, it gives explanations and definitions of the terminology pupils are required to know. It is a perfect resource for ensuring vocabulary progression throughout the school.

Super scientist Mae Jemison
A biography text for year 3 and P4, linking to the topics animals including humans and body systems and cells, on the remarkable scientist Mae Jemison. Mae Jemison trained to be a dancer, engineer, scientist and astronaut! Mae also spends lots of time teaching and encouraging young people to become scientists, no matter what their background. She wants us all to reach for the stars, and she is still doing this herself by leading a project to develop the science and engineering needed to travel to a different solar system in the next 100 years. Mae doesn’t want anyone to be left out.
This downloadable reading pack includes:
- An A3 reading spread for you to print.
- Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.

How stuff works: Rocket packs
This explanation text for year 5 and P6 linking to the topics properties and changes of materials and properties and uses of substances explains how rocket packs work. Being able to fly is one of the most dreamed-about superpowers, which might explain why inventors have spent so much time working on rocket packs. The text uses key vocabulary such as hydrogen peroxide, nitrogen gas, nozzles and throttle.
This downloadable reading pack includes:
- An A3 reading spread for you to print.
- Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.

Naked mole rats
This non-chronological report text for year 6 and P7, linking to the topics evolution and inheritance and biological systems, tells you everything you would like to know about the extraordinary rodent, the naked mole rat. The text features: how they are almost immortal, how they have a litter of up to 30 pups, how they are resistant to cancer and why they don’t feel pain.
This downloadable reading pack includes:
- An A3 reading spread for you to print.
- Reading comprehension question and answer sheets.
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