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Issue 76

£ 5.99

This issue we’re using archaeology to step back through time into the Stone Age – try your hand at cave painting, craft a model Stone Age axe and mix your own prehistoric paints. You can even read an interview with an archaeologist who specialises in Stone Age poo, and then have a go at making a replica Stone Age poo for yourself – all in the name of science, of course!

Plus, put on a Stone Age shadow puppet show, discover how Stonehenge was built and find out about pioneering archaeologist Dorothy Garrod. You can also make some Stone-Age-style jewellery, play our epic hunting and gathering board game and say hello to Smilodon, one of the Stone Age’s most terrifying predators!

Tagged in: Adaptation & Evolution, Fossils, Archaeology and Dinosaurs, Colour & Light, Indoor experiments, Historical topics

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