Halloween science experiments!

Are you looking for some spooky science to do at home? If you want to know how to do some Halloween experiments and make DIY Halloween decorations, you’ve come to the right place.

PLUS keep reading to find a discount code to SAVE 20% on books, binders and magazine bundles in the Whizz Pop Bang shop!

Discover how to create edible fake blood, craft a spooky window scene, turn Halloween candy into dancing Franken-worms, mix up a batch of gooey oobleck slime and carve a puking pumpkin right here. PLUS find out which issues of Whizz Pop Bang contain Halloween activities!

Want more spooky science? This month’s edition of Whizz Pop Bang is packed with it!

In Whizz Pop Bang: Spooky Science, mini scientists can…

🎃 Build a working model heart🎃 Discover how X-ray machines work🎃 Make blood cell cereal
🎃 Read bat-tastic facts
🎃 Craft a movable skeleton

Plus experiments, jokes, riddles, puzzles and more! 

Whizz Pop Bang is our award-winning science magazine that brings science to life for children aged six to twelve (and their parents too)!

Discover how easy it is to enjoy science at home with Whizz Pop Bang magazine. Spark your child’s imagination with lab-loads of hands-on experiments, the latest science news, tantalising puzzles and amazing facts.

Subscribe today to start your child’s adventures in discovery and to inspire the scientists of the future!


1. Pumpkin Lava Lamp

This brilliant activity by Science Sparks uses common kitchen ingredients to make a bubbling pumpkin laval lamp.

You will need:
A clear bottle or jar
A bottle of vegetable oil
Orange food colouring
Alka Seltzer (or try fizzy vitamin tablets)
Black pen and pipe cleaners for decoration

Head over to Science Sparks to find out how to make this epic lava lamp!

Save 20% On Spooky Science – Offer Ends Soon!*

Can you believe that half term is just around the corner already?! We’ve got the perfect way to keep your child entertained – Whizz Pop Bang’s epic selection of spooky experiments, awesome crafts, fascinating facts and silly jokes!

Save 20% when you use the code AUTUMN20 at the checkout!

* Use the code AUTUMN20 at the checkout. Offer ends 01.11.24

2. Spooky window scene

You will need:
A pencil
Black card or paper
Translucent sweet wrappers or coloured tissue paper
Sticky tack
Battery operated tea lights

What you do:

  1. Draw your design on black card or paper.
  2. Cut it out.
  3. Add the windows and cut them out.
  4. Use see-through sweet wrappers or tissue paper as window panes.
  5. Add finishing touches (we cut out bats and ghosts!)
  6. Use sticky tack to stick to a window. Add battery operated lights to make your scene glow!

Save 20% on Binders, Bundles and Books – Limited Time Offer!

Store your magazine collection in style with a Whizz Pop Bang binder. These clever binders allow readers to flick through 12 editions. There’s no need to punch holes or remove them before reading. 

Binder just ÂŁ11.99 with FREE UK p&p when you use the code AUTUMN20 at the checkout!*

Grab bundles of 3, 6 or 12 magazines at a bargain price! With 17 different collections to choose between, you’re bound to find something to keep curious minds busy. 

This is the Autumn Science Bundle,perfect for half term!

Bundles from £11.99 with FREE UK p&p when you use the code AUTUMN20 at the checkout!*

🤣 Why didn’t the Dog Star laugh at a joke?🤣 Because it was too Sirius!

This epic collection of science jokes is guaranteed to lead to giggles! 

Joke Book just £5.59 with FREE UK p&p when you use the code AUTUMN20 at the checkout!*

* Use the code AUTUMN20 at the checkout. Offer ends 01.11.24

3. Dancing Franken-worms

Turn the contents of those overflowing trick or treat buckets into a fun learning opportunity. Find out how to use bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to make gummy worms dance over at Playdoh to Plato’s blog!

Fill half term with science with Boredom-Busting Science Bundle!

Stock up on boredom-busting science fun with this bundle of three activity-packed magazines, together with the awesome Whizz Pop Bang Science Puzzle Book.

The bundle contains:
⭐️ The awesome Whizz Pop Bang Science Puzzle Book, packed with over 150 brain-bending puzzles!
⭐️ Whizz Pop Bang magazine, Issue 10: Extreme Environments
⭐️ Whizz Pop Bang magazine, Issue 27: Spectacular Skeletons
⭐️ Whizz Pop Bang magazine, Issue 34: Shocking Science

SAVE 20% on this bundle when you use the code AUTUMN20 at the checkout!*

* Use the code AUTUMN20 at the checkout. Offer ends 01.11.24

4. Ooey Gooey Oobleck

Find out how to make the freaky non-Newtonian fluid, oobleck! It’s a great Halloween science activity (and it’s easy to clean up!)

You will need:
Mixing bowl
Cornflour or custard powder
Food colouring (optional)

What you do:
1. Place four heaped tablespoons of cornflour or custard powder into a bowl.
2. Add a splash of water and stir the mixture. Keep adding water a little at a time, until the mixture is about the same consistency as honey.
3. If you add too much water, add some more cornflour or custard powder.
4. Add a little food colouring if you like and mix it in.

Watch the video to find out more about the strange properties of this special substance.

Watch Whizz Pop Bang kid Poppy make some spooky oobleck!

Looking for more spooky science? These issues of Whizz Pop Bang have some simple Halloween science ideas inside!

🎃 Craft Halloween decorations, make fake blood and discover blood-sucking insects in Whizz Pop Bang 111: Spooky Science!
🎃 Make an upcycled bat garland in Whizz Pop Bang 63: Sweet Dreams
🎃 Snip and stick a spooky street scene and craft light up ghost decorations in Whizz Pop Bang 87: Starry Skies

Thanks to Henry, aged 7, for sending in pictures of his brilliant bats – find the instructions in issue 63: Sweet Dreams!

5. Puking Pumpkin Experiment

You’ve carved a pumpkin – now use science to make it even more fun with this brilliant idea from Little Bins for Little Hands! Click here for step-by-step instructions

Looking for more home science fun? From science experiments, science activities, collectible science club badges to science colouring and more, you’ll find loads of brilliant ideas right here!

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Take the ‘Seven Days of Science’ challenge!

Half term is almost here and families far and wide are wondering how to fill a lockdown holiday with fun and excitement.

Why not take Whizz Pop Bang’s Seven Days of Science challenge? Every day, we’ll give you all the information and resources you need to complete a simple, satisfying and curiosity-awakening challenge from your home. Enter a science pancakes competition and try some kitchen science experiments, science papercraft, science quizzes for kids, nature activities. It’s also a great way to get children well and truly excited about NASA’s Perseverance planned landing on Mars on Thursday 18th February!

Download a full colour printable tick list here:

Download a low-ink, black and white printable tick list here:

Let’s get started!

Saturday 13th February: Do some kitchen science

Discover some home chemistry experiments that involve things you’ve probably already got in your kitchen! Here are some you might like to try:

Make gloopy slime! Slime-obsessed children will love this gooey activity! They will make their own slime, then decide if it is a solid or a liquid.
You will need: cornflour, water, mixing bowl, food colouring.

Watch a video tutorial of this activity…

Make your own plastic
Explore making casein plastic from milk in this exciting activity.
You will need: milk, white vinegar, sieve, paper towels.

Make a volcano
Print out a volcano template and create your very own miniature volcano using the harmless chemicals you find in your kitchen cupboards!
You will need: the volcano printout below, a small container (e.g. a spice jar), bicarbonate of soda or baking powder, sticky tape, vinegar, red and yellow food colouring, uncoloured soap or washing up liquid, a tray.

Bubbling magma experiment
Explore the difference between runny magma and viscous magma.
You will need: two glasses, water, a viscous substance (like honey or golden syrup), two paper straws, safety goggles or sunglasses

Sunday 14th February: Make a human heart card

Celebrate Valentine’s Day by making a card featuring a human heart!
You will need: the heart card printout below, scissors, glue stick, pen.

Monday 15th February: Take a science quiz

Give one of our Whizz Pop Bang science quizzes a try!

Already done them both? Why not make up your own!

Tuesday 16th February: Eat science-themed pancakes

Add a sprinkle of science to Shrove Tuesday to be in with a chance of winning a Stay-at-home science bundle! Find out more about this competition here.

We love this pancake recipe:
BBC Good Food’s perfect pancakes
but your science pancakes can be American style, vegan, savoury… whatever takes your fancy.

Next, decorate your pancakes with something inspired by space, nature, engineering or anything else linked to science! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Wednesday 17th February: Learn about nature

Today’s the day to get outside and do something to help nature! You could refill bird feeders and bird baths, plant some wildflower seeds or go on a litter pick. 
To make an upcycled bird feeder, you will need: An empty, clean and dry plastic bottle (e.g. milk bottle), a sharp knife, some sticks, strong glue or glue gun, 30 cm twine

If you want to do something inside instead, give these seed dispersal activities a go – it’s a great way to understand how plants and animals work together.  
To make a super-speed peashooter, you will need: Biro or gel pen, dried pea
To make a model dandelion seed, you will need: A sheet of A4 paper, ruler, scissors, pencil, sticky tape

Thursday 18th February: Take the ‘Seven minutes of terror’ challenge!

Today’s an exciting day – NASA’s Perseverance rover is due to land on Mars! You can watch the landing at 8.55pm here (but you might have to wait until tomorrow morning – that’s pretty late!)

Meanwhile, take the 7 Minutes of Terror Challenge to discover the hair-raising journey a spacecraft takes as it travels through Mars’s atmosphere. Download the activity here:

Friday 19th February: Say hello to Y!

Have you done lots of science activities and experiments this week? Or have you got a burning science question for our all-knowing robot, Y? Send messages, questions and pictures to y@whizzpopbang.co.uk and let us know all about your week of science!

Whizz Pop Bang is a top-quality, gender-neutral, advert-free science magazine for families everywhere. Each issue is packed with experiments, activities, amazing facts, puzzles, jokes, riddles and more. Find out more here!

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